

Tech stack of my blog in 2024—2024-09-12
Blogging has become my way of refining thoughts, embracing slow, intentional writing. Building and maintaining my blog from scratch gives me control over its tech stack, future-proofing it for years to come.
You can now subscribe to my blog—2024-08-12
You can now subscribe to my blog through a mailing list or feed RSS.
Tech Stacks 2024—2024-08-04
I talk about few tools that simplify my daily life, from efficient travel packing, automated home systems to streamlined productivity to effective personal finance management.
Travel hacks 2024—2024-06-08
Pack light and stay organized with these travel hacks
Navigating Google Drive Edge Cases—2024-03-14
My team at Material Security built a Data Protection product for Google Drive.
Blockchain's Practical Use: Paying for Global Internet Access—2023-12-30
Using the Blockchain to pay for mobile internet connectivity without the need to purchase an (e)SIM card before.
Real-Time Visualization: An Architecture for immediate insight—2023-11-18
The past Hack Week, my team developed a real-time visualization system for tracking phishing emails, leveraging Postgres, Pub/Sub, Redis, and Server-Sent Events in the Architecture to overcome the limitations of standard analytics systems. The system excels in ultra-low latency.
Crafting Speed: building a 40% Custom Keyboard—2023-10-02
From tactile feedback to firmware customization – the beauty of crafting a perfect keyboard.
Talk with books using a Vector DB and an LLM—2023-08-27
Learnings from building a simple system to extract information from books
Unsoundness with TypeScript Getters—2023-07-27
I explore an intriguing method to trick TypeScript's type inference system using getters.